Elephant motif vase |
At the moment, this piece is the most complicated work I've ever
created, hope it is also one of the best :). The idea of making an
artistic image on the vase appeared after several "debates" with my
wife. Having some padauk and wenge wood I was thinking about an unusual and unique project, as I didn't want to waste this precious material. But as you can imagine, in segmented wood-turning it's not so simple to create authentic works using only squares, rectangles, circles and diamonds.
Well, actually the elephants are also made of squares but I strived to make these squares as smaller as possible in order to obtain a real artistic picture and not a geometric one. For me, the creation of this vase was a beautiful adventure and an extraordinary challenge. At least at that time I hadn't seen before such a fragmentation of wood segments and I felt like an adventurer that found a meadow where no man has stepped before:-) Although it took me about 60 hours to make it, I hardly felt how they passed and when the vase was ready I got so much positive energy and so many emotions that made me more and more enthusiastic about. I have so much inertia that nolens volens I'm looking for new obstacles and new challenges :-) At the moment I'm working on a new project that is even more complicated that this one. Hope to put some photos on the blog soon.
This elephant motif vase is made of 2811 hand cut pieces of hard wood: padauk, wenge, walnut and ash. Height: 26 cm (10.2 inches). I keep it for my private collection and hope one day to go to some shows and exhibitions with it.
Thank you for your visit, every type of questions and comments are welcomed!